
Friday, May 6, 2011

McCalls M5538 view A (middle & end stages)

I finished sewing McCalls M5538 View A a few days ago, and Hubby has already gotten a lot of use out of it. I'll be sewing view C for myself sometime in the future, not exactly sure when that will be.

To see the earlier stages of this pattern click here and here.

The picture below shows the top all set except for the sleeves. Which, had I just finished the arm hole edges nicely, it could be a vest instead. It's a very versatile pattern. (View C without the sleeves would also be a nice vest, if that's what you were going for)

Hubby so kindly models his new top:

(whoa! those sleeves look crazy different lengths... I'm pretty sure they're the same and it was bunched up during Hubby's pose... looks like I need to double check that though!)

I found this pattern to have some confusing parts, and steps that didn't seem necessary, so about half way through sewing this top, I folded up the instructions and just did what made the most sense to complete the project. I also didn't add the pocket (ipod size) on the sleeve, because Hubby didn't think he'd use it.

1 comment:

  1. I am half way through sewing this for my son and I too am confused with these instructions and I have done a ton of sewing in my day. I think I will take your advice and fold up the instructions.


I love comments and advice! Thanks in advance :)