Thursday, April 19, 2012

Organizing sewing room - BEFORE

I have organized and reorganized my sewing room too many times to recall.  For whatever reason, I just couldn't find the method that worked for me.

Usually things stay looking alright for a week or so, then they turn into a mess.

I think I finally have a system down that will work (we'll see) but, here are the BEFORE pictures of my most recent organizing project.

Large, unused pieces of fabric (above)

Fabric scraps stored in a tub piled layers thick... you couldn't see anything deeper than the top layer and it just wouldn't stay orderly when searching for items.

The main fix to my problems... multi-sectioned shelves.  Hubby so kindly assembled them for me :)  Stay tuned for the AFTER pictures of my sewing room organization.

Check out the AFTER pictures and post!

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